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  • Ontario Agra
  • Under The Sea
  • Niagara Fire Corals

Search results

  1. R

    Wanted, tlf 150 reactor lid...

    I may be able to 3d print something if we can get some dimensions.
  2. R

    Dinoflagellates - ewww

    Thanks Luigi, will try that first
  3. R

    Dinoflagellates - ewww

    Hey all, so turns out my though about the phosphates creeping up may be Dinoflagellates. Did a water change and they seem to double over night. Past experience (limited as it may be) tells me that the 0 nitrates i was so proud of probably isn't helping, lol So, I can go all out here and just...
  4. R

    Feedback on timers

    I am just putting together a small plc controlled timer right now, only because I have 3 or 4 of them sitting around and nothing better to do, lol. I do have the apex, but I dont gwt the same satisfaction from programming that as I do from planning and wiring from scratch
  5. R


    On the subject of nitrates, my tank is creeping up, roughly reading .25 with the salifert kit I'm using. Nitrates undetectable between 2 kits Covid would not make it fun to source components to add a fuse, alternatives?
  6. R

    Mushrooms and brittle star

    Large brittle star and a small collection of mushrooms that have come off their rocks and collected in the corner of the tank. A single teal "ish" mushroom 2 redish with blue spots 1 purple Willing to just swap for whatever, before they float away, lol
  7. R


    How old is the tank? I always had low to medium nitrate levels, my tank just recently leveled out after a few years and many moves to its location
  8. R

    Sun coral

    Gone, thanks Tony! Will post pics soon.
  9. R

    Sun coral

    Hey Tony, Happy to work out a trade, can drop off anytime you are around, our schedule is wide open! Adriana is always looking to get out of the house, Lol
  10. R

    Sun coral

    Thats what we thought too! It doesn't help that my fish stock is light so we feed really accordingly (a powder blue, clown, and an Allen's damsel) Doesn't provide much incentive for it to open at feeding time
  11. R

    Sun coral

    Had for about a month, still only comes out after 11pm and before 8am! I have not been successful changing its eating schedule Looking to trade for whatever, hopefully for someone who is more of a night owl than us! Horrible picture, but I just snapped it as I walked by tonight
  12. R

    Happy Easter! To you all

    Happy Easter all!
  13. R

    What is this?

    Thanks Luigi, its definitely in a high flow area, nitrates right now are reading zero (i still don't trust my test kit)
  14. R

    What is this?

    Got some better images from the last time i tried identifying on Facebook, thought it was pavona but its not growing up, its just growing across the rock. Any ideas? Its basically just working its way across the rock
  15. R

    Clowns and Anemone

    We had one that took to it immediately. When we added a second clown they wouldn't go near it. The first clown literally pulled him by his tail into it. Was good after that. Our newest clown went in the second we dropped him in the tank. Our issue is that he doesn't come out, ever..... Just...
  16. R

    Misc for trade?

    Just looking to diversify the tank a little, got a few things I can trade if anyone's interested. Here are a few of the items, just snapping random shots here, I can break off some pieces if needed Green mushrooms One lonely teal mushroom Green gsp Couple head hammer - Green base, pink head 6...
  17. R

    Next livestock: suggestions wanted

    Here's the new guy settled in, picking off the rocks constantly, and quite active.
  18. R

    Next livestock: suggestions wanted

    Well,stopped in to under the sea today, picked up a beautiful powder blue. Hes settled in nicely so far, grazing off the rocks and exploring. Thanks for the suggestions!
  19. R

    Next livestock: suggestions wanted

    Thanks guys, the shoulder tang looks interesting, may have to look out for one!
  20. R

    Next livestock: suggestions wanted

    Ok, so some of you may know that my tank crashed a while back, things were fine at 11pm, lights turned on at 12pm the next day and all the fish were either dead or gasping. Corals were all fine..... Did all the tests I could think of, came back fine. Did a water change for good measure and let...