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Search results

  1. Andrew D

    Blue Barrel source of phosphates?

    Sounds like that's the issue, can't fault your logic. ONly other thing you may want to try is to leave RO water in the bin for a while and test, see if that also results in elevating PO4
  2. Andrew D

    My 350G display, 700G system...

    Hi everyone. I work in health care and the pandemic is of course keeping us hopping, so I don't have as much time as I'd like to put into this thread. I would like however to introduce you to my 700G system, consisting of a custom 350G display (72*42*28), a 150G sump, a custom 100G anemone...
  3. Andrew D

    Clowns and Anemone

    I have a 100g cube plugged inline with my reef system containing anemones (mostly bubble tips of different colours) but also a long tentacle anemone. Started with a clutch of about 14 clowns and have 6 left, pretty stable population now. Also have a yellow tang, Tomini tang and 2 engineer...
  4. Andrew D

    Looking for this mesh

    Hey Luke, sorry for the delay. I do have some of that mesh here if you want it - grey, 25 inches wide and at least 15 feet of it, with holes about 1 sq cm. Let me know if you want it and how you want to get it. unfortunateky I couldn’t find the phosphate reactor
  5. Andrew D

    Next livestock: suggestions wanted

    The powder blue is one of my favourites fish. He was one of 13 tangs I had at one time, many of which succumbed to aggression as they got older. The ones I have left are too large and established to introduce another one, but one day I'll trade them all in for a (smaller and more compatible)...
  6. Andrew D

    refugium lighting......

    Not sure if this link will come through, but this is what I use over my overflow ATS in my sump. Works great, I just have to protect them from the spray which has shorted one out already... https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07B47V1L9/ref=ewc_pr_img_3?smid=A2A7UWI4837QCF&psc=1
  7. Andrew D

    Looking for this mesh

    me again, I think I have some of this as well, will look and let you know
  8. Andrew D

    Next livestock: suggestions wanted

    I really like your rockwork.
  9. Andrew D

    Wanted: phosban reactor.

    just the cannister right? I think I have one, will check this weekend if that's OK. YOu can have it for free if that's the case.
  10. Andrew D

    New 90 gallon tank

    the red coris....
  11. Andrew D

    Berghia nudibranchs

    I didn't know that they turn dark after eating, cool. I've tried them on some of my tanks but some predator always seems to gobble them up before they get a foothold. Testing some peppermints now and a small copperband, hoping they work as the aiptasia's are getting out of control.
  12. Andrew D

    New 90 gallon tank

    Love that wrasse!
  13. Andrew D

    Meet my latest addition

    very nice. I remember (one of) your old ones, nice and big, I think he died molting if I recall. I have one in a 20G plumbed in line, used to think he was a peacock but now not so sure. He doesn't come out much and is under blue light to control the algae growth...
  14. Andrew D

    Automatic Fishfeeder

    I use the eheim feeder as well, very reliable and relatively inexpensive I think. I use one in my sump dropping pellets in front of the intake to my return, fish love chasing the pellets. I also use one for flake when I go away but it doesn't work as well unless the flakes are pretty small...
  15. Andrew D

    Tank Temp

    i still have a crappy iphone 6 so the pictures don't come out very nice. when my wife comes home on Monday I'll take pictures with her 10. Pictures still don't do any of our tanks justice...
  16. Andrew D

    Tank Temp

    Same display you saw I think, but I added a 100G anemone tank and a 20G mantis tank on top of a 350G display, 150G sump and 90G frag tank all plumbed in line. I think that's about 700G give or take. Lots of water, but not a lot of room left lol.
  17. Andrew D

    Here is my Clam

    I haven't seen any for a while. John at NAFB had some nice ones about a year back, quite reasonably priced too.
  18. Andrew D


    no fair, no one can compete with Mitch, photographer extraordinaire. He took some shots of my tank a few years back, can't find them right now but when I do I'll post a few....
  19. Andrew D

    My Last Meeting....

    I remember that meeting, your set up was very cool. I think many of us left thinking we can/should do something like this too....
  20. Andrew D

    120 in wall build

    Looks great. Makes me laugh though, how innovative we become when we're trying to find space to set up a fish tank. I know I'm lucky to have more space to putz than many, but you all know that it's never enough. I just installed a 4*2*1 frag tank and had to move my quarantine tanks to the...